New Year's Resolutions
With the New Year of 2016 coming up, I started to come up with possible resolutions, and then I had an idea. Every single year I make a New Year's Resolution, or a few, and I never ever actually complete them. So, I decided I would make New Year's Resolutions for every single week in the year. Yep, that's right, I have made fifty-two New Year's Resolutions, and I am going to share them and different ways to organize them today.
- You could just be an all-around organized person. However, be honest with yourself, are you really, truly organized? If not, keep reading.
- Have two mason jars, one with the Resolutions you have not completed, and one for the Resolutions you have completed.
- Make a paper chain, and on each link, have a resolution written. You can throw them away, glue them into a scrapbook with a quick or lengthy reflection, or start another paper chain for the completed resolutions once finished.
- Bake Cookies
- Do some Random Acts of Kindness
- Clean something that needs to be cleaned
- Finish a book in a day
- Make a craft off Pintrest
- Try Yoga
- Bake some stuff in a mug
- Go gluten-free
- Take some pictures
- Go to a movie
- Try a different hairstyle
- Learn how to knit
- Write a poem
- Commit to something new
- Help out someone in need
- Go to an old store
- No sweets this week
- Try blogging more
- Find a way to make and save some money
- Try a new type of workout
- Pack your lunch in advance
- Do some redecorating
- Learn some words of another language
- Write a book (or at least 50k)
- Send some request emails to some publishers (for ARCs)
- Learn more about HTML/CSS
- Learn to play some new songs on guitar
- Try out some new hair/make-up products
- Do a service project
- Come up with a new feature on your blog
- Try some new food
- Complete the Popsugar Reading Challenge
- Read some classics
- Research and find the right kind of prayer process for me
- Make a time capsule
- Plan and throw a group sleepover
- Look into possible careers
- Make some videos and learn how to edit them
- Write the second draft of a book
- Watch some old movies
- Improve my photography skills
- Find out who I am
- Revamp my blog, with my own coding skills
- Clean out and organize my bookshelf
- Come up with and plot a new novel
- Try out some art projects
- Declutter your life
- Find some outfits that you truly love
- Find a way of organization that works for you
- Get into some new music
- Reread and rewatch some of your favorite childhood books and movies
- Become immersed in your parents favorite books and movies
These are personally my New Year's Resolutions. If you want to use some of them and tweak it a little bit, or just totally use them, go ahead. I am going to be chronicling my adventures with these Resolutions every week. I hope you enjoyed this post and you will enjoy the others in this series/challenge thing.
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