Book Review: The Book Thief

The Book Thief 

By: Markus Zusak
100% out of 100
Teen Book
550 pages
Contains Slight Spoilers.


Lisel steals a book, entitled The Grave Digger's Handbook at her brother's grave.  Lisel learns to read and becomes an experienced reader and thief.

What I Thought:

If you love books, read this.  If you don't love books (You need to get your life together) read this.  As for the characters, I loved them. Lisel was just awesome.   I loved how illiterate she was and how much she wanted to learn to read. I also loved how she stole the books.  It was also very cool to see her mature as she got older.  Rudy. *sobs hysterically* I loved Rudy He and Lisel are tied for the best friggin character ever.  Rudy is so cute.  I love how he would always ask for a kiss after he did something for Lisel.  Rudy was just hilarious and heartwarming. I loved death.  I never thought that I would say that.  He was almost more sarcastic than I am.  He was extremely worn and I loved the different side of death you got top see with this book.  I thought that was extremely cool.  I didn't like, however, how death spoiled himself.  Mama was just kind of eh.   Calling someone a Saumensch just gets old after awhile.  I loved Papa from the first night Lisel arrived at 33 Himmel street.  Mama wanted Lisel to take a bath, so Papa's solution was to teach her to properly roll a cigarette.  I loved how he taught Lisel how to read on a 3rd grade education.  He was so jovial.  I loved his backstory and the accordion.  Lisel and Papa's bond was adorable.  Oh, I almost forgot about Max.  I feel that Max was needed to prove a point.  Not all Germans are Nazis.  Some Germans hid Jews.  I loved Max's fights with the Furer and his murals.  I loved the books he made for Lisel.  max was so fun and such a good character.  The characters were very well-developed in the beginning and continued to develop throughout the course of the book.

Summary of my review: 

This book was perfect and I wouldn't change a thing if I could.  I liked the slowish plot.  This book and its narration intrigued me from the very first page.  I also really like the bold print interruptions.   If you are questioning me, don't, just go read this book and you'll get it all.  The only thing that confused me was the German that wasn't translated.


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