Book Review: Girl Online

Girl Online 
By: Zoe Sugg and Siobhan Curham
80% out of 100
Teen Book
344 pages

I have this dream that, secretly, all teenage girls feel exactly like me. And maybe one day, when we realize that we all feel the same, we can all stop pretending we’re something we’re not. That would be awesome. But until that day, I’m going to keep it real on this blog and keep it unreal in “real” life.

Penny has a secret. 

Under the alias Girl Online, Penny blogs her hidden feelings about friendship, boys, high school drama, her quirky family, and the panic attacks that have begun to take over her life. When things go from bad to worse at school, her parents accept an opportunity to whisk the family away for Christmas at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City. There, she meets Noah, a gorgeous, guitar-strumming American. Suddenly Penny is falling in love—and capturing every moment she spends with “Brooklyn Boy” on her blog.

But Noah has a secret, too, one that threatens to ruin Penny’s cover—and her closest friendship—forever.
What I Thought:

I really liked this book, regardless of who wrote it.
I thought this book was cute and not totally predictable, like most books similar to this are. Penny, Elliot, Bella, and Noah kept this cheesy grin on my face the whole time. I also liked how much Penny's parents cared, which is very rare in Young Adult Literature.  If Penny would have just let them in, everything would have been so much easier resolved, but I guess that was the point.
I loved the way social media was incorporated into the book. I loved the blog posts so much and I wish that the book was entirely made up of them. I do think, however, that her blogging schedule and her success levels were unrealistic.  I mean, the big bloggers post way more than just once a week.
I do want to read more books about bloggers.  The writing style was okay, but kept the story going fairly fast.  This book was cute and fluffy, just what I was in the mood for.  This book is by no means fabulous, but something that will make you feel good.

Summary of My Review:

A really cute read that will lift your spirits.  Not the best, but not the worst, either.  The writing made the book fly by and the plot was just okay.  The characters kept a smile on my face. I recommend giving this a read. 


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