
Showing posts from August, 2015

6 Fun Things To Do In A Library That Aren't Reading

1. Hide Notes In Library Books You could put literally any kind of note in  the books. I have put notes in books recommending books, recommending my blog (shameless self-promotion never hurt anyone), and ones that just say "Have a great day!" or "Smile!" 2. Hide Money in Books Even if you only put a dollar in the book, you WILL make someone's day . 3. Scavenger Hunt I have never done one of these in a library, but a scavenger hunt with hints hidden in books would be so much fun.  4. Ask A Librarian For Reading Recommendations If you have a good librarian, they most likely will be able to give you recommendations in almost any  genre.   5. Give Your Librarian Book Recommendations Give Him/Her Recommendations for what you want at the library. Want to read a book, but you don't want to pay for it in its hardcover glory? Suggest that the library purchase it to add to the collection.  You will have to wait a while, but it will be free as opposed to t

Book Review: Danny Chaucer's Flying Saucer

Danny Chaucer's Flying Saucer By: Christopher Peter ★ ★ ★ ★1/2 90% out of 100 Children's Book 123 pages Disclaimer: I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for honest-opinion review.  This however, does not change my opinion in any way, shape or form.   What I Thought: I don't even know how to write this review.  This book was adorable and will forever have a place in my heart, but I didn't love it.  Younger Veronica would have loved this to pieces.  I am definitely going to recommend this to younger readers.  I didn't like or dislike the characters.   I feel like that in younger or middle grade books there is little to no time for character development.  This book was not really different on the character development front.  Also, in a very short page count, you don't really get to know the characters.  This leads me to my second and final complaint, I felt that the book was just too short.  This concept had so much to expand

Why You Should Now Expect More and Less From Me

I am now declaring that I have given up on trying to post every day.   This is both bad and good.  Bad for you if you enjoy my content and posts, but good for me and  my grades/ academic success. The reason I will be posting less is I want to focus more on school and  any other big projects I want to work on at the time.  Some changes I want to implement in my blog  and posts will be listed below. More Quality, Less Quantity I want my blog posts to follow some of the English grammar rules. (Not all of them, just some of them. :0 ) I also want to work on writing better quality book reviews and other discussion type posts so they are more structured.  Since the posts will have more quality, they will take longer to make.  When posts take longer to write, I am going to have less of them.  More Unique Posts I feel like I only do book reviews and bookish posts. I have loads of ideas for discussion posts, random lists, fun activities, and even some DIYs. With so many ideas, I h

Book Review: Escape From Mr. Lemoncello's Library

Escape From Mr. Lemoncello's Library By: Chris Grabenstein ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 95% out of 100 A book for eight to ten year olds 288 pages Blurb: Ky l e Keeley is the class clown and a huge fan of all games—board games, word games, and particularly video games. His hero, Luigi Lemoncello, the most notorious and creative gamemaker in the world, just so happens to be the genius behind the construction of the new town library. Lucky Kyle wins a coveted spot as one of twelve kids invited for an overnight sleepover in the library, hosted by Mr. Lemoncello and riddled with lots and lots of games. But when morning comes, the doors stay locked. Kyle and the other kids must solve every clue and figure out every secret puzzle to find the hidden escape route! What I Thought: I absolutely loved this book!  It was so quirky and reminds me of something that my fourth grade teacher would have read aloud to us.  I didn't relate to any of the characters, but that is usually the case

Book Review: Second Chnace Summmer

Second Chance Summer By: Morgan Matson ★ ★ ★ ★ 85% out of 100 Teen Book  468 Pages Blurb: Sandwiched between two exceptional siblings, Taylor Edwards never felt like she stood out—except for her history of running away when things get too complicated. Then her dad receives unexpected, terrible news, and the family makes the last-minute decision to spend the summer together in the cramped quarters at their old lake house. Taylor hasn’t been to the summer house since she was twelve, and she definitely never planned on going back. Up at the lake she is confronted with people she thought she left behind, like her former best friend, Lucy, and Henry Crosby, her first crush, who’s all grown up…and a lot cuter. Suddenly Taylor is surrounded by memories she’d rather leave in the past—but she can’t run away this time. As the days lying on the beach pass into nights gazing at the stars, Taylor realizes she has a second chance—with friends, with family, maybe even with love. But she

Book Review: Girl Online

Girl Online  By: Zoe Sugg and Siobhan Curham ★ ★ ★ ★ 80% out of 100 Teen Book 344 pages Blurb: I have this dream that, secretly, all teenage girls feel exactly like me.  And maybe one day, when we realize that we all feel the same, we can all stop pretending we’re something we’re not. That would be awesome. But until that day, I’m going to keep it real on this blog and keep it unreal in “real” life. Penny has a secret.  Under the alias Girl Online, Penny blogs her hidden feelings about friendship, boys, high school drama, her quirky family, and the panic attacks that have begun to take over her life. When things go from bad to worse at school, her parents accept an opportunity to whisk the family away for Christmas at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City. There, she meets Noah, a gorgeous, guitar-strumming American. Suddenly Penny is falling in love—and capturing every moment she spends with “Brooklyn Boy” on her blog. But Noah has a secret, too, one that threatens t

Wacky Blog Tag (Original)

Wacky Blog Tag This Tag is an acronym with questions, if that makes any sense. W eird- The Weirdest thing you have read I'm sure that I have read weirder things, but Out From Boneville By: Jeff Smith is the weirdest in my memory.  A mazing- The most amazing book that you can't find any other way to describe Matilda is an easy pick for this. C razy- A kind of insane character Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. K ick-Butt- Your favorite strong side character This goes to Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. I know she is a main character, but she isn't the protagonist.  Y ing-Yang- Two books that are different, but somehow connected The School Story By: Andrew Clements and Matilda are different, but both have a genius as a protagonist.  B ooks- The number of books you have read so far this year 89 books so far. L ove at first sight- Your OTP I will forever more ship Hermione Granger and Harry Potter. O riginal- The most original book blogger

Book Review: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl By: Jesse Andrews ★ ★ ★ 70% out of 100 Teen Book 295 pages Blurb: It is a universally acknowledged truth that high school sucks. But on the first day of his senior year, Greg Gaines thinks he’s figured it out. The answer to the basic existential question: How is it possible to exist in a place that sucks so bad? His strategy: remain at the periphery at all times. Keep an insanely low profile. Make mediocre films with the one person who is even sort of his friend, Earl.         This plan works for exactly eight hours. Then Greg’s mom forces him to become friends with a girl who has cancer. This brings about the destruction of Greg’s entire life. What I Thought: This book largely focused on humor. I liked the sarcastic tone of this was told in because of the uniqueness of it. You will vary rarely come across a book that makes fun of cancer. I also liked how this book is a very quick read and almost unputdownable. This book missed ou

Book Review: Clarity

Clarity By: Kim Harrington ★ ★ ★ ★ 80% out of 100 Teen Book  242 pages Contains Slight Spoilers. Blurb: During peak tourist season, a girl is murdered.  It’s ruining Clare’s family business. Clare has physic powers, when she touches an object she can see elements of that objects’ past.  Can she help solve the mystery or will her powers just make trouble for her… and her family? What I Thought: I liked the mystery and pace of the story, but the characters annoyed me.  Perry because he never thought of the consequences his actions could have.  I didn’t like how Clare used all the boys and was very selfish sometimes.  I also didn’t like how quickly she would change her feelings about the boys.  Clare also just ran away from people when she felt like it and was really rude at some points.  Most of the characters annoyed me, but I liked the general gist of the story. I liked the pace and the plot.  The mystery kept me on the edge of my seat and the actual mystery

Book Review: Anna and the French Kiss

Anna and the French Kiss By: Stephanie Perkins ★ ★ ★ ★ 80% out of 100 Teen Book  372 pages Blurb: Anna can't wait for her senior year in Atlanta, where she has a good job, a loyal best friend, and a crush on the verge of becoming more. So she's not too thrilled when her father unexpectedly ships her off to boarding school in Paris - until she meets Etienne St. Clair, the perfect boy. The only problem? He's taken, and Anna might be, too, if anything comes of her crush back home. Will a year of romantic near-misses end in the French kiss Anna awaits?  What I Thought: Everyone raves about this book, and I have to admit it was kind of addicting(okay REALLY addicting!).  I thought that it wasn't that good. I really liked Etienne (and his gorgeous accent). I also thought that Etienne would be such a sweet boyfriend if he was real (and he finally broke up with Ellie!).  I loved all of the gifts he gave Ah-na. I also thought it was adorable when he got mad &q

Book Review: The Book Thief

The Book Thief  By: Markus Zusak ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 100% out of 100 Teen Book 550 pages Contains Slight Spoilers. Blurb: Lisel steals a book, entitled The Grave Digger's Handbook at her brother's grave.  Lisel learns to read and becomes an experienced reader and thief. What I Thought: If you love books, read this.  If you don't love books (You need to get your life together) read this.  As for the characters, I loved them. Lisel was just awesome.   I loved how illiterate she was and how much she wanted to learn to read. I also loved how she stole the books.  It was also very cool to see her mature as she got older.  Rudy. *sobs hysterically* I loved Rudy He and Lisel are tied for the best friggin character ever.  Rudy is so cute.  I love how he would always ask for a kiss after he did something for Lisel.  Rudy was just hilarious and heartwarming. I loved death.  I never thought that I would say that.  He was almost more sarcastic than I am.  He w

Book Review: Matilda

Matilda  By: Roald Dahl ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 92% out of 100 Kid's Book 240 pages Contains Slight Spoilers. Blurb: Matilda taught herself to read when she was 4. She walked herself to the library when she was 4 years old and 3 months.  She read all the children's books within a few weeks.  Now she's an avid reader of adult books.  Matilda is very intelligent and clever.  Her family is not and they think she is too.  She plays pranks on them to teach them lessons.  They never know it's her.  When Matilda starts school, she amazes her teacher by being able to do very advanced math quickly, reading large amounts of text, and her writing.  Matilda soon discovers a talent and comes up with a plan.  This plan will help rid the school of the quite sinister Trenchbull. What I Thought: I loved Matilda.  I felt like she was my little sister. I love how she hardly knew her intelligence and wasn't cocky when she figured it out.  I loved how she so easily fooled

Book Review: Also Known As

Also Known As By: Robin Benway ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 95% out of 100 Teen Book 308 pages Blurb: Maggie has spent her whole life traveling the globe, helping her parents complete missions. Now, they move to Manhattan and Maggie has her own mission to befriend the super-cute son of a man who just might blow her family's cover, forever.  As she gets to know Jesse better, Maggie realizes that she has real feelings for Jesse, and she just might be assassinated for it. What I Thought: Maggie's so cool.  I love her wit and sarcasm. I also love that she could pick locks when she was 3.  I also love how she thought that Jesse would be a jerk at first and then falls in love with him.  I love Jesse a lot, too. (if not more than Maggie) I love his wisecracks and seemingly perfectness, when really he's a haute mess. I love his curls and romantic gestures.  ( cheery ring pops are cool.) I also love the part at the Halloween party when he was drinking apple juice instead o

Book Review: Still Life Las Vegas

Still Life Las Vegas By: James Sie ★ ★ 40% out of 100 324 Pages Disclaimer: I received a review copy of this book in exchange  for an honest-opinion review. This, however does not change my  opinion of the book in any way, shape, or form. Blurb: When Walter Stahl was five-years-old, his mother drove away in the family's blue Volvo and never came back. Now seventeen, living in the dregs of Las Vegas, taking care of his ailing father and marking time in a dead-end job along the Strip, Walter's life so far has been defined by her absence. He doesn't remember what she looks like; he's never so much as seen a photograph but, still, he looks for her among the groups of tourists he runs into every day, allowing himself the dim hope that she might still be out there, somewhere.  But when Walter meets Chrysto and Acacia, a brother and sister working as living statues at the Venetian Hotel, his world cracks wide open. With them he discovers a Las Ve